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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  September 24, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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opened, the gps gets acivat. 24 hours reesentatives of the company hunt yodo and giveou aheck for 10,000 pounds. we're promotions but this seems a slippery slope. is it worth giving upour privacy for that? who knows what else they will owboyou? they will know everything. let us. what do you think about nestle's promotion? would youyouad to give up yo pr forever? "ac 360" starts now. good evening. we begin tonight, keeping them honest on the campaign trail. president obama, mitt romney and as c youlose aan get to a preview of next week fir debate each appeared on the program "60 minutes." e what some ar callingws a gaffe. mr. romney's big heading o thar >> doee government have a responsibility to provide heth care to th50illann er who n't have it today? >> w we d provide care for people wh d h insurance, people -- if smeone has a their
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aparenan we pick them up in anmbulance and take the to the hospi and give them care and ffenstates have differe >> that's the most expensive way to do it. e rorg. >> agn, different states have ffent ways of doing that. some provide that care through clinics. some provide tare thrgh emergency rooms. my state, we found a solution wodn't take what wedid in you've got to ta the o texas, soents tohe emergency as a viable alternative for the unsured that's precisely the expsive alternative that his massachusetts model and the prident's model tryto elimine by providing universal coverage. thdeobama's rationale for health ca reform now and it was mitt romney's rationale fohis own plac2010. here he is back then on msnbc's "morning jo." >> you believe in universal coverage? >> oh, sure. look, itoesn'te a l fosenseus to have millions
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and milliof people whoe no health insurance and yet who can go to the emergency room a h they have no responsibility, particularly if they'repeople who have suffnts to pay their own y. >> that was 2010, as you can snee this clip from three before, what mitt romneyays about healthare seems to depend on wh aim abo it. here's what he said 2007 to glenn beck. >>actlle ha ght at we he right no in health re ceping soclism with morend moreeoplgoing medicaid andmedicare, an those who dorance, when they show up ath hospital, they get care. they get free care,aid by you and me. >> right. >> if that's not a form of socialism, i don't know what is. >> three occasions, over five years,hree very different takes on health care. as we said, mr. oba made news as well. joining us to talk about it, paul begala, advising the leading pro-obama super pac. paul, even though it seems like ov the map when it comesoemgenc
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for basic care, does a or chainon o with ters?re >> i tually ha never bn one as a doc stratest and advise the super pac that's trying to defeat governor romney and re-elect the president so i have a dog in this hunt. we never attacked him for the flip-flopping not because we think he's not but it's more important to show the damage he would do to the middle class. that's the problem here. once again he seemed to be really out of touch, really callous about people who don't have health insurance, who might have a heart attack and die. he says well, they don't die in their apartment. actually, they do sometimes, governor. there was a harvard study that said 40,000 americans a year die because they don't have health insurance. that's the problem, he looks once again like he's not on the side of middle class people. >> alex, does he seem out of touch on this issue? >> oh, i don't think so. i think first of all, when you've lost as many races as i i've ended u in a l of emergency rooms and there is a proble therican alth care, and everyone will acknowledge it, and that is that
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doctors in america don't tell anybody no. hospitals are required by law not to tell anybody no so we do provide care, but there are some people out there who do split their pills in half because they can't afford i there are some people out there who don't go to get care because they feel responsible to pay for it and they know they can't. but i think romney's point here was that we have a health care system that is providing a lot car we are not paying for, and that's what he was addressing. >> paul, another sound bite from "6minutes" last night, something the president said the romney campaign has been all ertoday. let's play what the prident . >> i w pretty certain and cont to be prey cin that there areoing to be bumps there will probably be some times w we bumpp against some of ese cntries and have strong disagreements, but i do think that over the long term, 'r likelyto get a middle east north africa that is more acrests.
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en all over the phse bumps in the road. was at a poor choice in words president's part goveor rom is saying? it sounds like he's downplaying thousands of deaths in syria, ll ambsador anthree others? thi that's the risk that comes with thispridt' extraordinarily low bloo pressu. a vy cool custome and there's a lot of good in that, thou. you don't want a president talkg abt international or goes off half-cocked.hothead part of why governor romney looked bad responding to the tragedy inbenghazi, he seemed o plitica and too opportunistic. it cout thhe priden was a littleoo cool i don't think in his defense for a minute heould sayt the murder of an ambassador and other american personnel, much th otherolks who haied in thatregion, is just a bump in the road. i think what he' is show everydy thate're on this, the united states is doing we a you think that's a kind of typical no drama obama response.
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>> alex, is that whatt heco hea? >> thinkthere's something to that, but i think there'slso president's gattrenis that is his ntellect. he l inside his head and his ideas. and part o is heboss, bill clinton, butsñ he canemorize a udy about it, you know. people are distant frois ident. there's a certain sense of arrogance to this white house that they're just detached from it and i think that's vulnerability. have two elite cndid hese anca barack obama, running against finaial elite. so the middle class isup grabs here. >> alex, i want to ask you about e kendwee i saou tweet over you said when i see rne he looks like a candidate. when i see obama he looks like presiden this should not be hard t fix, soix it. what do you mean? wasn't one of the govnor's big selling points during the primary season the idea that he did look presidential? >> you know, a candidate -- as theerson himself, yes, i
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think mitt romney looks very presidential but he' ther on therail now and every time i turn on my tv, it's the same political rally with paul ryan and the same crowd around him state after state after state, and it looks like a political beauty pageant. it looks like politics, not like governing. you don't want to run for president looking like a candidate. you want to run for president looking like a president. and i think doing some more important things, for example, go where the problem is, mitt romney, go to an inner city and find out what's happened to the american family that's falling apart. go where the problem is. go to an unemployment line, talk to some people, but quit having political events. >> gentlemen, thank you. follow me on facebook or twitter. up next, latest developments on libya and how some of the story came to light.
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keeping them honest now on a story involving the death of four distinguished americans in libya involving how well or how poorly the u.s. government handled its responsibility to protect them, involving government transparency or the lack of it and lastly involving ourselves. cnn has become part of the story and that's the last place i or anyone in this profeion ever wanto be. we as a program and cnn as a network have believed from the ginnin focus should be on four key points, onhe ing of ambassador christopher stevens and three others in benghaibya on 9/11, what the state department and others may have goadin their on uritysituationd
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what leading members of the government have said about circstances of the tragedy an whether their stements have lacked clarity or transparency, and of course, kled ese four dedicated americans. that's where we've always believed the focus should be. however, because cnn discovered ambassador stevens' seven-page journal in what remains of the consulate in benghazi three days after the attacknd b it became one source for some of our reporting, questions about the use and handling oft journal haveeen raised,s you probably heard. as you probably heard this weekend, the u.s. state spkesman blasted cnn, calli the network's behavior quote, disgusting and our handling of thernal quote, indensible. w, no onlikes be called disgusting, particularly by a spespers f united states state deptment. but do invite you and tem t ho us to the sametandards that whold others and try every night to meet ourselves. out of respect for his family, we have not quoted from his journal, not once. ambassador stevens' journal. it was not e-mailed around the newsroom as the u.s. state department spokesman said it
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was. remember, cnn discovered the journal three days after the assault. arwa damon, one of the best war correspondents i ever worked with who reported for years at great personal risk to herself, discovered the journal. why was the journal significant? well, at the time that cnn discovered it, the obama administration, remember, was still downplaying the possibility that this was a deliberate terrorist attack, but was instead part of the violent reaction all over the arab world to that anti-muslim youtube video. this is what they were publicly saying then. >> this is a fy volatile situation and it is in response, to obviously the admistration,ot not to the american ople. it i response to video, a film, that we have judged to be reprehensible a disgting. that in no way justifies any violent reaction to it. >> now, even in that early stage, many in the foreign policy and global security community doubted that
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explanation. the journal certainly raises questions about that. neither "360" nor cnn rushed to air with details from the journal. we didn't publicly announce we had foun i adithin hours of findinit, we informed the family of ambassador stevens. cnn did not public announce we had found it out of respect fo the mily. instead, as cnn does withvery sty, ourrrespoents and our producers sought as many other sources as we couldind an other soues, including one who had a detailed conversationith ambassador which confirme much of what wfelt important in the journal. this is h w reporte o wednesday this program. >> a source familiar with ambassador stevens' thinking says that in the months before his death, he tald about g worried about what healled the never-ending security threats spificaln benghazi. the source telng us tt the ambassadorpecifically mentioned the rise in islamic extremism, the growing al q presence libya, and said he was on an al qaeda hit list. >> now, no mention there of the. on friday, cnn recei ved
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inquirieom other media outlets who somehow had gotten wind of e extence of the journad th cnn had not turned i over to the family. cnn had already done so, and so to be transparent, on friday's broadcast, i briefly mentioned the journal. now, throughout all of this, we tried to minimize the anguish the ambassador's family is obviously feeling, balanced against our journalistic duty to inform. ambassador stevens held a very prominent and public position and as a news organization, it's our job to inform you of information that's important. this was not broadcasting gossip from the pages of someone's diary. this was not reporting salacious details of someone's private life. this was reporting information that could impact the national security of the united states and the safety of u.s. installations in other countries. we have just learned, for instance, that the benghazi mission was operating under a security waiver at the time of the attack. that means that typical security standards did not apply, mainly because the compound was temporary in nature. we don't yet know who made that decision or who was in on it but we do think that people need to know where the process broke down, if it broke down.
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we think you need to know what happened to u.s. personnel in benghazi. we've got a lot to talk about tonight with former homeland security advisor fran townsend. as we often mention, fran's a member of the external advisory committee, and recently visited libya with her employer. also joining us, former cia officer bob baer. i don't want to get into the journalistic details with you, but there's no doubt, what do you make of the fact that this consulate in benghazi three days after the attack apparently wasn't being guarded and journalists are wandering all over the place, and anybody could have been wandering all over the place. >> anderson, lost in the dispute over the journal is the fact that this calls into question the integrity of what is now an fbi investigation. one of the first thing law enforcement officers do when they begin an investigation is secure the crime scene. first and foremost, this is the consulate. now, they were going to have challenges to that. the fbi couldn't get in because of security conditions. u.s. personnel, nonessential personnel had been sent home. there were fewer to do that.
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but the fbi, frankly, once they opened an investigation, ordinarily should have and may have, we don't know, but should have coordinated with their u.s. government agency counterparts. if they couldn't secure it, you ask the host government. if the host government is incapable, we did fly in additional marines to guard the embassy in tripoli. was there military u.s. personnel available to help secure it. obviously that didn't happen. it's one of those unanswered questions we don't know but what we do know is the consequences of failing to secure the crime scene absolutely will call into question the integrity of the information that's gathered there. >> bob, what does this say to you, that this site was not secured? >> anderson, i think the whole thing's just outrageous. i completely agree with fran. look, that consulate was overrun and we don't even begino understand what was lost there. we've lost crypto, files, money, personal documents. we don't even know, this administration is not telling
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us. the fact that the diary was found in the consulate, and the fact that there wasn't -- i've heard that there's a quick reaction force tried to get to the consulate but was attacked at the airport, benghazi airport. this hasn't been confirmed, but what's happened in libya, we've lost complete control of this. every investigation i've been involved in, whether assassination or blown-up embassy, there's always been a local force or marines to secure the site, otherwise the fbi can't do its work. it just can't. if it's completely wrecked like it was in benghazi, and i think the reason that the state department is so sensitive about your finding the journal is because they've lost control. >> pivoting now, the actual attack, particularly destruction of the so-called annex where u.s. officials were operating sensitive government programs, how important was that mission, you think, to u.s. intelligence? >> oh, absolutely vital. that was, as i understand, is where they were buying up weapons, trying to buy up chemical weapons, trying to buy
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up surface-to-air missiles. it was u.s. intelligence was just getting started in libya. that's where they kept their files and i said the communications gear, which apparently no one can explain what's happened to it. this has never happened to an american embassy since tehran in 1979. it's really catastrophe, it really is. >> i just read another report by a journalist who was able to get into the annex and walk around relatively unfetterred. bob said this operation really hurts the u.s. in libya. do you agree with that? >> no question it really hurts us. look, we don't rely on any single installation or capability in the u.s. intelligence community, so what you have to do now is rely more on all the other capabilities so you'll have signals intelligence, you'll rely on the local force but let's remember, the local force was decimated after the fall of the gadhafi government and so they're just rebuilding. you're not the only intelligence service in libya so you're going to have allies who have inteigence networks there, you're going to have to rely on
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them. so all of this, but you're going to have lost this critical foothold in an area, as we have all discussed the rising, you know, extremism in the east of libya, you lose this piece at a critical time. there is certainly on the good news, in terms of on the ground in libya, is this rising up against militant groups in benghazi that we saw last week. >> absolutely. look, anderson, as i said to you, when i was there at the end of august, i had raised these militias inside tripoli. i can only imagine how much worse they were because everyone talked about to the east, the growing problem and so if this tragedy has been the impetus to have the libyans act themselves against the militias, that is a good outcome. it has to be sustained over paired of time. they have to be able to fill that vacuum but this is a good development. >> what i think a lot of people don't understand about the intelligence community is just how dangerous the work of intelligence operatives is
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overseas. you can't do this from behind the walls of an embassy. you have to get out there and mingle, right? >> look, anderson, intelligence is always collected one-on-one. you can't go out with an armored convoy, with's supposed to be c. so what we have now is a country and this is in other countr in the ddle east where intelligence officers are not allowed outside of compounds. on the other hand, the locals are loathe to come inside an american compound because they have to pass through local guards and nobody in their right mind is going to take that risk to have a local look at their i.d., be identified as a potential american contact and what this is leading to, if the middle east continues to get worse, is a blindness about what's going on there and i cannot emphasize enough how serious this is, if this should all turn against us like it did in libya. >> you say, fran, it is possible to work with other nations' intelligence services? >> that's right. you just have far less control
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than you do over your own assets and you have much more difficulty in tasking them against what we call our requirements. that is, we have priorities that we want to have filled. they're not going to fill our priorities. they are going to fill theirs. our closest allies will share what information they gather but again, it's sort of as bob describes, you become one more step removed and you become a recipient and far less control of your assets. >> fran, appreciate it. bob baer, thank you very much. all this week we're focusing on the top five social issues that keep americans up at night. we have been doing this for weeks looking at various issues. the issues that could decide the election. just ahead, same sex marriage. where the candidates stand and how that could help or hurt them on election day. g splash with t. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! ♪ of course, some stories are bigger than others.ry. okay gs, here go.
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fall arrived over the weekend. the election is now just 43 days ay. tonit we continue our look at issues i2012. the ones that matter most to voters. we polle reeroterso identify the top five social issues this week that keep you
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up at night. tonight, we start withumber five which is same sex marriage. according to cnn/orc polling, morehan half ofrica support sa sex marriage although thessueivides the country. zach walls gave speech at the aticdemocrational convention t growing uph two moms. >> my name i'm a sixth generation iowan and eagle scout and i was raised b my two moms, jackie and terry. now, peoe always want to know what it's like having lbian parent to let you in on a little secret, i'm awesome at putting the seat down. otherwise, we're like any other family. we eat dinner, we go to church, we have chores. >> he has also written a book "my two moms, lessons of love, strength and what makes a family." the issue of same sex marriage is obviously very personal for him. here's what he told us concerns him most.
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>> what keeps me up at night about this issue of gay marriage is that other people stay up at night thinking about gay marriage. i identify somebody who, you know, is very kind of concerned with how things affect me, how they affect my family, but in terms of how this affects other people, you know, i don't get it. a lot of times we hear well, you know, they don't have family values or they're not, you know, a traditional family because they don't value the same things we do, or think that the same morals we think are important matter, and that's just not true. my moms are two of the most loving and committed people i have ever had the pleasure of knowing. there are nights i remember jackie holding terry, who is six, seven inches taller than she is, as terry just laid on the bed whimpering in pain from her multiple sclerosis and
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watching that, and you know, my moms taught me once that love is giving somebody the power to destroy you and trusting them not to. and my moms taught me that, not just by saying it, but by showing it to me, to my sister. when i hear that folks are staying up at night worried about the scourge of same sex marriage, i wonder who these people are and i wish they could come over and have dinner with me and my moms and just get to know us on a personal level, because i think fundamentally, love is love. and the idea that we should be recognizing, you know, one kind of relationship between straight people but say that well, gay love, that's not real love, it doesn't really deserve our recognition is not what america's about. i think that at the end of the day, americans are going to recognize the power of love is greater than the power of fear. >> joining me now is chief white house correspondent jessica yellin and chief political analyst, gloria borger and john
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king. john, the polls show increasing support for legalizing same sex marriage, particularly among younger voters. how important is that? >> it's a big question, because the issue is not as big as it was back in 2004 when george w. bush closed every speech at the end talking about his support for a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. he was trying to gin up conservative support. we can look at the polling data and there is no question, no question at all, public opinion has changed in recent years. this is our most recent cnn/orc poll. you see here a majority of americans, 54%, say marriage between gay or lesbian couples should be recognized as valid. so a majority of americans support same sex marriage. if you look at these numbers from gallup, you can see how public opinion has changed over time. yellow line is those who say it should not be valid. the green line is those who favor same sex marriage. you notice right here, sometime in late 2010, 2011, those lines crossed to where you have even in the gallup numbers now, a majority saying yes, country's split 50-48 saying no and the gallup numbers. here's the interesting part. does it help the president gin
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up turnout on college campuses and the like. if you look at states where -- the six states, let me move this out of the way, if you look at marriage are allowed, those are e very light gen stas here, two of them, iowa and new hampshire are presidential battlegrounds. we might get a sensection day if ithelps on the margins. >> jessica, has the esident shifted, it's one of the larger shifts on an iss socially or otherwise, has it had an impact on his gn? >> well, he highlights his move on gay marriage and on gay tsneral regularly and they embrace as a posi. in two different ways, he talks ous wk overturning don't d't te, extending federal benefits to same sex partnersan opposing the defense ofriage t as sign of promises kept from the 2008campaign. ou can seethat as an outreach to the 4% of gay and lesbian voters who we saw turned out in the 2008 elections. but en also, he talks about gay marriage to some extent aa sign of i think it'sthe difference with mitt romney and the kind of social aenda mt romney wld embrace if he were
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elected, a stark difference between the two campaigns. >> it is really interesting, gloria, because the two campaigns could not be any more different on this issue, and even in the rhetoric that they use, i don't think i have heard mitt romney in a stump speech, certainly not at the rnc, say the word gay or talk about gay americans who are citizens in this country or lesbian americans who are citizens in this country. you just don't hear it, obviously he opposes same sex marriage. he also opposes i guess civil unions although he has shown support for some kind of domestic partnership arrangement, yet he doesn't really say it in the speech. in 1994, when he was running for u.s. senate in massachusetts, he pledged that he would be better on equal rights for gays and lesbians than ted kennedy. >> right. he did, and if you recall during that race, he was also pro-choice which he has flipped his opinion on. look, this is a very difficult issue for him, but it's an issue i would say, anderson, on all the social issues, it's the one at which he has been the most
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consistent, because he has always said that he is opposed to gay marriage, even when the state of massachusetts approved gay marriage in 2003, when he was governor, he said you know what, we don't want to become san francisco. so at least on this social issue, he has been more consistent. when i asked him, for example, about flip-flopping on abortion and how he's changed his position on that, his answer was well, president obama has changed his position on gay marriage. so again, you know, this is at least one area he's been consistent, but he also doesn't like to talk about social issues very much. it's not his comfort level. he likes to talk about the economy. he wants to make this race about the economy and of course, he doesn't want to alienate younger voters who overwhelmingly support gay marriage. >> interesting. jessica yellin, gloria borger, thank you. john king as well, thanks. following a lot more tonight. susan hendrix joins us with the bulletin. susan? >> what to do about syria. civil war is a key issue as
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diplomats from around the world gather in new york this week for the u.n. general assembly. opposition activists say at least 123 people were killed in the country today. a top u.n. diplomat says their goal is to increase pressure on the government to stop the violence. two u.s. marine staff sergeants are facing a court martial for urinating on dead taliban fighters and posing for photos like this one. video of the july 2011 incident was also posted on youtube in january. three other marines have also been disciplined for it. check out these incredible photos from brazil, where a truck spun out of control and teetered over a bridge. amazingly, the driver was not hurt. it took 25 minutes, though, for rescuers to free him from the dangling truck by rope. a four foot long seafood storage bin from japan was found off oahu, hawaii last week 18 months after it was swept out to sea when the tsunami hit the asian country. back to you. >> amazing. susan, thanks. we've been reporting on the disabled national veterans
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foundation which sounds legitimate, right, and its chief fund-raiser. what we've uncovered has triggered outrage and multiple investigations. tonight, the stakes are climbing higher. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy.
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another keeping them honest report. for months now, we've been telling you about the disabled national veterans foundation, how it's been under investigation by the senate finance committee as a result of our reporting showing little, if any of the millions, tens of millions it's received in donations over the years, actually went to help disabled veterans. well, tonight we now know that it's part of even larger investigations involving its chief fund-raising company. it's a company based right here in new york that says it's one of the world leaders in servicing charities. so far, no one will appear on
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camera to answer our questions. drew griffin has asked repeatedly. take a look. >> i understand that, but what i want to know is am i going to get an on-camera interview? all right. okay. so the bottom line is you're not going to give me an interview. drew griffin, g-r-i-f-f-i-n. i'm trying to reach mr. shuloff. oh, he's not in. >> now, quadriga art has called our reporting biased. but they will not go on camera. tonight they may have a lot more than cnn to worry about. drew has been investigating the trail of donated money and is reporting the stakes have just gotten a lot higher. what have you learned? >> we have learned that the charity's bureau of new york state attorney general's office has begun its own investigation of quadriga arts. so too has california's attorney general. now we learned the state of florida also looking into all of this. the investigations beginning
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after cnn exposed the disabled veterans national foundation, this charity that's raised $70 million since 2007 in the name of disabled veterans and as far as we can tell, has given very little, if any money to the actual disabled vets. it's gone mostly to quadriga art, this fund-raising company. >> almost from the very beginning, this whole charity was in some sort of trouble. you've known that. >> this is a very complex story that my producer, david fitzpatrick and i have been digging into. what really happened is they're accused of trying to jump-start itself by making them look like another charity. you might consider it identity theft of a charity. back in 2005, before there was a disabled veterans national foundation, dvnf, there was another charity with a very similar name. the disabled veterans living memorial fund, dvlmf. its sole purpose was to raise enough money for a memorial on this site near capitol hill in washington. the executive director of that group was this guy.
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his name is larry rivers. he's a retired marine officer. the memorial foundation raised enough money to build the memorial and essentially stopped raising money. here's what happened next. the president of the newly formed dvnf in 2007 went to that marine officer for advice. larry rivers was being paid by quadriga art as a consultant. he referred dvnf to his private company who was being paid by quadriga art. soon thereafter according to documents obtained by cnn, the newly formed charity dvnf were accused of in effect stealing the identity of that charity that wanted to build the memorial by using the mailing list of its donors and the logo of the dvlmf. we're learning all this from the state of florida which is nearing an end to its own investigation of the dvnf. there was a threatened lawsuit from the memorial fund charity against dvmf which claimed intellectual property rights had been violated.
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to fend off that lawsuit, the disabled veterans national foundation paid the memorial fund $325,000, agreeing to the payment because they had already used the mailing list. dvnf then sent an e-mail to cnn saying that quote, the agreement speaks for itself, denied any wrongdoing and since then, have we been reporting as gone on to raise $70 million, almost all of it going straight into the coffers of quadriga art. despite that, they consider themselves a success because they increased their donor list from zero to some two million donors in just five years. >> that's what's so crazy to me and upsetting to me, is that for dvnf it seems like this is all about increasing the mailing list to get more donors, they can raise more money, because this contract, a lot of the money seems to be going to quadriga art. the senate's investigating. is there still money out there? what do we know? >> the root problem here, anderson, is the money that americans are giving to many,
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many charities are not going to the people that they are believed going to. in other words, if i gave money for disabled vets, it's going to quadriga art. i don't give that money because it's going to be used to build a mailing list. if you said to me give us $10 so our charity can eveually build a mailing list that in ten years from now, we might give money to disabled vets, that's the problem. we went to roger craver, a nonprofit fund-raising expert in this field and we asked him what he thought about this. here's what he had to say. >> the fact that a company puts forth money for this purpose is not unethical, per se, and it's not illegal per se. what is problematic is if you're promising -- the charity is promising to do something with the money a donor sends and there's no money going to it, which is what you said, drew, if no money is going to the charitable purpose, then that's fraudulent.
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>> to me, if you're not doing anything wrong, have an interview. it's a huge company, they got tons of p.r. people, i'm guessing. you have probably been dealing with them for years. dvnf. submit to an interview if you want to be transparent. what have we learned about them? >> we have been hearing from a lot of charities that quite frankly had no idea what they were getting into with this company. they are upside down. tomorrow night we will come back on your show and report about nearly a dozen of these charities that are in debt, none of them have gotten very much money, if at all, for their charities, and you mentioned, you know, quadriga art not talking to us. mark shuloff is the ceo of this company. he works down the street. he lives up the street. he must pass by time warner center every single day. he won't talk to us on camera, but he did release this web video to his clients over the weekend. we are going to give you a snippet of it right here. >> the irony here is cnn has reported that we have made millions of dollars taking
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advantage of veterans or the dvnf. nothing could be further from the truth. at the start of this year, my board asked me to have an independent audit done to see how much money we've made serving the dvnf and to date, my company has not made a profit. >> we've been accused of not telling the whole truth about quadriga art. we have again asked them for interviews. we will put his entire unedited statement up on the website. anybody wants to see his entire statement that he put on his website, you can get the link right there. meantime, we would like him to talk to us. >> there's a lot of detail. the devil's in the detail, what are salaries, what are costs you're paying out -- >> exactly. keep in mind this is a privately held company. we had strong limitations on what we could learn. we have a lot of inside information from sources quite frankly inside that company. >> bottom line, any charity, it's all about transparency and you know, anybody who is donating money has a right to know where that money is going. >> the good ones open their
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books. others don't. >> drew griffin, lot more on it tomorrow. we'll see if dvnf responds. i got into a twitter battle with them last time we were on but even then, then all of a sudden they just went silent because they stopped responding. they got nothing to say, it seems like. anyway. more tomorrow. new developments in the mysterious killing of a couple in st. maarten. police make an arrest. details ahead. ♪ chirping beeping camera ahhhh drill sound chirping electric shaver shaking remote tapping sound shaking drill
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"ridiculist" coming up. first, susan's back with the business news and bulletin. a suspect will appear in court in st. maarten tomorrow in the case of an american couple found stabbed to death in their home on the island. autopsies were performed today on michael and thelma king of south carolina. authorities are not certain of a motive in the case. in nepal, three people are still missing in an avalanche that killed at least eight people. the avalanche hit the mountain in an area where climbers were camping. authorities say the avalanche was most likely caused by a large piece of ice that fell from a glacier above the camp.
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it is a new sales record for the new iphone. apple announced it sold more than five million iphone 5s since they went on sale friday. demand is so high that some people who ordered them over the weekend will have to wait until october to get them. check this out. a two-headed snake found in greenwood county, south carolina. it has one head on each end, two tongues -- >> that's crazy. >> yeah. don't want to run into that. >> that's -- wow. >> it exists. pretty scary. >> incredible. all right. susan, strange stuff. thanks. time for the shot. this comes from a zoo where the gorilla seems captivated by a caterpiller. several come in for a closer look. you can see it there on the little fence there. >> anderson, can you think of anything else that is compelling to certain types of primates? you knew this was coming. we can never resist any excuse to show you -- there you are. >> i did not know this was coming. >> wasn't my idea.
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entertaining apes. >> for those of you who don't know what this is, it requires so much explanation, i don't even know how to begin to explain it. there's no explanation. 20 seconds will not -- it was at the great ape trust and apparently they like rabbits. i don't know. the scientists said it was legitimate. they said the apes wanted me to. they said there's an ape -- i don't know. >> blame the scientists. they made you do it. >> i kept expected ashton kutcher to jump out and say i was punked. coming up, would you vote for a mayoral candidate called tuxedo stan?
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time now for the "ridiculist." tonight while the presidential campaign heats up here in the united states, we don't want to neglect a very important mayoral race that is going on right now in canada. we usually don't take sides politically but i think we'll make an exception. go ahead and give our unofficial endorsement to one candidate for mayor of halifax. his name is tuxedo stan. he's 3 years old and he's running to raise awareness about the stray cat problem in halifax. now, sounds like it's a pretty big problem. as a matter of fact, tuxedo stan's owner says it's a veritable cat explosion in the city. you thought i would say catastrophe, didn't you? yes. no. it's not going to happen. that is my solemn promise to you, the viewer, tonight. this is a serious story about a serious mayoral race in halifax. but yes, there's totally a cat explosion. >> the problem is we have an explosion of cats. we've got literally hundreds,
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thousands of cats that are living on the street. >> so tuxedo stan's campaign is all about raising awareness about spaying and neutering but we wondered how exactly did stan's owners come up with the idea for him to actually run for office. >> it's a great idea and i don't know exactly where it came from. we were just sitting around a table one night and people said how about tuxedo stanley. >> that settles it. i want to go to a canadian dinner party as soon as possible. just sitting around the table with some people, next thing you know your cat is running for mayor. of course, he's not going to win. municipal law bans animals from holding office. unfortunately if he's serious about politics, maybe tuxedo stan should come to the united states. just look at the mayor in alaska, stubs the cat has been the mayor for 15 years. i'm not kidding. residents elected him as a write-in candidate when he was just a kitten. the rest is history. not only that, right now as we speak, there's a cat running for senate from virginia. >> he's an accomplished independent leader and he fights for you. not a partisan agenda.